fleet management system

Company notice 10/03/2020

As of yesterday evening, there are no more red, yellow, or orange zones in Italy; our whole nation is now one big protected area.

 It is because of this that we have decided to adopt the decree #imstayinghome. As of 09/03/2020, IB has put into place a plan of action that will allow our employees to work from home in an attempt to help our staff members and everyone they come into contact with stay as safe and healthy as possible.  

Our software solutions InfoSHIP, InfoPMS and InfoFACILITY will continue to be developed and updated, and thanks to smart working, we can ensure that our clients will have the ongoing support of our customer service team members that they have come to rely on.

Should you need anything, please do not hesitate to reach out to your IB contact person via cell, email, Skype, or Webex.

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